Body Toning Exercises for Females Without Weights-Okay, the pandemic has taken all of us for a ride. But it did teach us a lesson. Especially about our fitness concerns and the common dogma that you must need a gym membership to become fit. We have learned that if you have proper guidance and dedication you could achieve a fit body even in the comfort of your home. And joining a gym without properly strengthening your core can leave you at heavy losses.
Even though you could start with lower weights, this will only prolong your body from getting into shape. And as we know that cardio alone cannot help you with weight loss. In fact, you must add weight training to see some results. Plus cardio alone cannot help you get a perfectly shaped and toned body. From what we have observed most women want a toned body rather than building muscles. For those who are new to this term tone simply means the state of your muscles at rest. Men usually don’t concentrate on just toning the body, for them getting in shape means building muscle, especially the upper body including chest, biceps triceps, shoulders, etc. Thus most gyms and weight training programs focus on isolation exercises. So are there any “Body Toning Exercises for Females Without Weights”
Let’s have some deeper look into this topic-
Can Cardio be “Body Toning Exercises for Females Without Weights”?
#Why Cardio and Lifting Weights Cannot Help Women Achieve a Toned Body
#Why Cardio Can’t Help Women Achieve a Toned body
#1- Cardio is not Meant for Fat Loss.
For both men and women to get into shape, the first thing they have to do is reduce that extra body fat. Cardio is a performance enhancement, sport-specific training. It is useful only if you want to increase your endurance. So when you are doing cardio you are signaling your body in the wrong way. This sets off an alarm state in the body where the body sheds muscle tissue to lessen energy demands and stores/hoards body fat as a survival response. Once this physiological state is reached, it becomes impossible to lose any more fat no matter how many calories you cut or how much aerobic work you try and add. What you end up with is someone who is on starvation level calories and performing an excessive exercise, yet is still flabby.
#2-Can Increase Stress to the Joints
Another major disadvantage of cardio is that it doesn’t include a variety of moments. Most of it includes repetitive movements. Thus if constantly done it can increase the stress to joints and eventually lead to an injury.
#3-It Could Bore You

As earlier said cardio doesn’t involve a variety of moments, so constantly doing the same moves could really bore you out. And make you demotivated to work out.
#4-It could elevate Cortisol levels in Your Body
Okay for those who are new to cortisol, it is nothing but a steroid hormone. Cortisol increases sugars (glucose) in the bloodstream. It is seen that doing cardio more often could increase the cortisol levels in our bodies. Higher and more prolonged levels of cortisol in our bodies can lead to several negative effects like-
- High Blood Pressure
- The decrease in muscle tissue
- Impaired cognitive performance
- Increase abdominal fat
- Suppressed thyroid function
- Blood Sugar Imbalance
- Lowered immunity
#5-It could Cause Muscle loss

Muscles are the crucial things that decide the tone or the shape of your body. But regular cardio and especially fasted cardio could lead to muscle loss. This is because while performing cardio activities our body goes through anaerobic respiration. Due to this our body taps into different sources of glycogen for immediate energy. This involves breaking down muscle tissues and converting them into fuel or energy. This process is known as catabolysis. So in a way cardio won’t lose fat, but will make you lose energy and muscles.
#6-It can cause Water retention
As we discussed earlier that heavy cardio workouts can lead to rising in cortisol levels in our body. And it is seen that high cortisol levels increase water retention in our bodies. So in a way, it could make losing weight more difficult
#7-It Can Make You More Fat After Stopping.
After giving up cardio, you would be consuming more energy than you are burning. So this additional energy will be stored as fat by the body, making you fatter than before.
As you have seen cardio alone cannot help you get a toned body. In fact, it could cause more harm than good. Thus cardio should be combined with weight training for better results. Hence cardio can’t be “Body Toning Exercises for Females Without Weights”
So will lifting weights help you get a toned body? The short answer is yes. But it’s not that simple. Lifting weights has its own disadvantages.
# Why Lifting Weights is not Ideal for Women To Achieve a Toned Body
Okay, here we are not gonna simply say that lifting weights would make women bulky or they might grow the odd muscular body, etc. Because they are not true. Lifting weights won’t make women bulkier. However, there might be few disadvantages for women lifting weights to get a toned body let’s have a look at them-
#Most of the Weight Lifting Exercises in Gym are Based on Isolation
As a woman, if your goals are to get a toned body then lifting weights might not help you. Because most of the weight training exercises solely focus on large muscle groups and often overlook small muscle groups. This doesn’t result in a total body workout. It is useful only if you want to target a special muscle group and build them like for ex- biceps, triceps, etc. What most women need are compound exercises where in your entire body muscles get engaged. Compound exercises will give you the toned body you dream of. So you gotta avoid most of the isolation exercises and look for compound exercises that will improve the overall physique rather than a specific muscle group.
#Less Lower Body-Based Workouts
Almost everyone that goes to the gym hates leg day. They are the least priority for men because they are more focused on building upper-body like -chest, shoulders, etc. But this is the opposite for women because they gotta focus more on the lower body areas like -hips, thighs, legs, etc. Women’s ideal body workouts should focus on toning the body from the belly to the lower body. Since most of the gyms have one or two pieces of equipment for the lower body that too quite difficult to work on, they aren’t that effective.
#It isn’t that Good For Fat Loss
Yeah, it’s true that the more muscles you have the faster your metabolism would be and the faster the metabolism the lesser fat you will have. But to build muscles first, you would have to cut down that fat first. And for that purpose HIIT i.e High Intensive Interval Training is more effective. This includes performing various exercises at very short intervals or rest time.
Since lifting, weights are an isolation type of exercise, lifting light weights will have little to no effect on your body. So shifting to heavier weights would be the correct choice right? Nope, this would make things worse. Because lifting heavy weights would require proper training and a lot of effort. If it is done without a proper trainee it could lead to serious injuries. Not only that it would also make your muscles sore, make it longer to recover. As a result, you get lazier and demotivated to work out. And heavyweights could also put a lot of stress on your bones.
# It is Expensive
Most of the weight training exercises require basic weights and other expensive equipment. You may even require special pieces of equipment to target specific muscle groups apart from the main ones. Because most of the weights and weight training equipment help in building the upper body and focus very less on cutting the lower body. This can be good for men but not very helpful to women. Even the gym subscription price could go up if you are demotivated, do not recover fast from your muscle cramps, etc. Paying for the gym subscription without properly utilizing it could make you give up your fitness goals very fast.
So isn’t there a workout equipment and training program that could get women the toned body they desire, without much hazzle?
Don’t quit yet, for this reason, we have searched and researched various workout equipment and programs that could give women a toned body without giving that macho physique and not making it too hard to continue. So here’s the one that could satisfy all the above needs-
The Best Workout Equipment and Program that Could get Women a Toned Body
So as earlier said we researched all the available equipment and workout programs that are best for women to get a toned body without much hazzle. And finally, we found out that Axle Workout Bar fulfills all the above requirements. So for those who don’t know – The Axle is a new fitness program that offers a total body dynamic workout using multi-planar movement patterns developed by training professionals and Olympic athletes. It is the lightest Olympic barbell on the market that starts at 11lbs,( pretty easy and effective for beginners) loads plates up to 140lbs(if you want to go to the next level), has a unique design for rolling with hands/feet, and easily collapses for storage. Live classes are available 3 times a day, 6 days a week. On-demand workouts are also available.
Axle workout program offers consumers a versatile piece of home fitness equipment and the ability to get a full-body workout from the comfort and safety of their own homes.
Following are the reasons why we found the axle workout program pretty useful and effective-
#1-They Focus More on Body Toning rather than Building Muscles.
As we earlier discussed the women’s workout goals are different than that of men. Men usually focus on fat loss and bulking or building muscles, whereas women may want to avoid bulking up and getting a macho look. However, most of the gym equipment and exercises focus on building muscles and are also pretty tough to start with. This is where the axle workout program comes to the rescue. Axle offers a lightweight barbell along with tire-like discs at the ends which promote rolling actions and help in targeting core muscles or stomach.
In a way, it’s perfect for abs and legs at the same time. The barbell comes with two-foot straps which you can attach to it and do various roll-out exercises. It can also be used for planks and foot anchors. Not only that, they even offer live classes and pre-recorded videos that will show you how to perform hundreds of exercises with the barbell. The great thing about these exercises is that they concentrate more on building core strength and toning the body which ideal for women.
#2-It is Easy, to Begin With

The axle workout barbell is ultra-lightweight (11 lbs), this makes it easy, to begin with. Most of the weight training or the strength training equipment puts a lot of pressure on your body which could damage your posture if not done properly. Whereas the axle workout barbell gives you the confidence to lift by developing your basic and core strength through various exercises. It also improves your posture and helps you to move on to lift heavy. You can develop your posture, basic, and core strength using the axle workout bar and their live classes will guide you through it( pretty affordable 10$/month).
#3- You Can Level UP!
Just because the axle workout barbell is ultra-lightweight doesn’t mean that you have to stick to lightweight exercises. The axle workout barbell is highly customizable and can be changed constantly based on your needs. The axle workout barbell can load weights (plates) up to 140lbs which will cover all your basic to advanced exercises. Not only that but the axle workout bundle comes with resistance bands which will make lifting more hard and more fun!
#4-Affordabe Live Classes
Another reason to opt for the axle workout program is for their affordable live classes. Their live classes and on-demand workouts are available on an UNLIMITED BASIS for just $10 per month or $100 (save 20%) for the entire year! They act as the perfect guide for the axle workout bar and your fitness journey. In their live and on-demand classes there are numerous exercises and informational videos that will guide you to get a perfectly toned body instead of solely focusing on fat loss. They have master-certified instructors who guide you through several multi-planar movements using axle workout barbell and even without it! hence they are a must-try
#5-Not Just a Bar!

At first, you might think that the axle workout program is just about an 11 lbs barbell! But that’s not even one-fourth of what it has to offer. The axle workout barbell bundle comes with two-foot straps, locking clips, extra weights, resistance bands, and unlimited live classes to guide you through your fitness journey at the comfort of your home or a gym!
#So If You Are a Women Who wants to Get a Toned Body Without Many Efforts or Bulking Up then this Is Your Go-to Option!
So that’s “Body Toning Exercises for Females Without Weights”